Sunday, September 8, 2013

Off-Track Running

As I have mentioned in my previous post, I started running recently. I used to run in the park nearby. There are running tracks in that park; 500-meter and 700-meter tracks so I was able to record the distance I was running. 

I also started reading blogs about running and I've read that many people run off-track; along the roadside. I thought it might be good to try off-track running so the first thing I did was to download Nike+ running app to track my run.

I ran 4.27 miles (6.83 km) during my first off-track run. Unfortunately, the map didn't load. I haven't run this far in the park; it was really a great achievement for me.

The next day, I ran again and covered 5.38 miles (8.60 km) and I had a better pace. The map loaded!

This morning, I went out determined to run a greater distance. I already checked the route I'll be taking yesterday with my bicycle. It was raining when I stepped out of the door and had to go back inside. Few minutes later, it stopped raining and I started running. Finished 7.02 miles (11.23 km)!

I was able to run greater distances off-track so I guess I'll make this a weekend habit. I'll run in the park only on weekdays, when I'm able to go home early. 

Another great thing about off-track running is the early morning scene along Tsurumi River.

photo taken during my first run. beautiful sunrise.
photo taken during my second run. sun is up!
I make sure to stretch properly before running so I haven't felt any pain in my legs and I haven't had cramps despite running much more than before. Why am I running a lot lately? I'm actually planning to join Nagano marathon next spring so I thought of training hard to prepare for it. 

Try off-track running! It's a totally different experience.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I want to go back to running but I'm too scared to lose weight even more if I do... so for the moment I do mild stretching... good luck to your future plans to join the marathon Hera!


:) :-) :)) =)) :( :-( :(( :d :-d @-) :p :o :>) (o) [-( :-? (p) :-s (m) 8-) :-t :-b b-( :-# =p~ :-$ (b) (f) x-) (k) (h) (c) cheer

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